Tuesday, July 24, 2018

talmud gemara - “Teiku” (תיקו): why Eliyahu and not Moshe Rabbeinu to resolve unanswered Talmudic questions?

Sometimes in the Talmud when there's a difficult question, the Talmud concludes with "תיקו".

Usually "Teiku" is translated to mean "let it stand" but another suggestion is that "תיקו" is actually an acronym for:

"תשבי יתרץ קושיות ובעיות".

"Tishbi [Elijah]- will answer- questions- and inquiries "

(see this MY answer which suggests its earliest source)

My question is on the acronym:

Why is Eliyahu HaNavi going to be the one who answers our questions?
Wouldn't Moshe Rabbeinu make more sense since he's the one who gave us the Torah?

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