Saturday, July 7, 2018

halacha - With which Torah can one fulfill the obligation of Parshas Zachor?

There is an argument between texts if the word "Petzua Daka" (Devarim 23:2) should be with an Alef or a Heih. Can someone fulfill his obligation to read Zachor (and normal Torah reading) with a Torah which was written not like his custom?

As always, CYLOR.

Similar to Parshas Zachor Sfardi versus Ashkenazi but not exactly.


Yalkut Yosef 685:12

ומתוך ספר תורה בכתב אשכנזי, יצאו ידי חובה

וכן ההיפך, שהכל יוצאים ידי חובה בספר תורה שנכתב בכתב ספרדי, אף שהיו''ד של הצד''י נכתב כיו''ד הפוכה.

a) A Sefaradi who heard from a Ahkenazi written Sefer Torah is Yose.

b) An Ashkenazi is also Yose from a Torah written in Sefaradi style.

One can infer from the fact the he does not mention the "petzua daka" issue, that it would not be a problem (although he doesn't seem to say so explicitly).

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