Tuesday, July 31, 2018

halacha - May someone with a monotonic voice be a Ba'al Kri'ah?

I understand that the main purpose of trope is grammatical. The musical aspect, as I understand is secondary.

Halachically, when one reads the Torah publicly, is one required to sing it with the trope? (If he is able to do so?)

What about someone who has an artificial larynx sounds monotonic. As long as he knows to pause at the end of each verse (so at least this is a signal that he distinguishes the grammatical usage of the trope to the best of his voice ability), would he be allowed to be a Ba'al Kri'ah?

Please address both:

  • If someone else is available, but the monotonic person is more qualified, e.g., he is the shul's hired Ba'al Kri'ah, and he was injured.

  • No one else is available

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