Monday, July 10, 2017

Why is "Y'sachar Dov" a popular combination name?

Why are the names Dov and Ber frequently paired with the name Y'ssachar?

Is it because that was the Belzer Rebbe's name or was his name part of a larger phenomenon?


From Jewish Personal Names by Rabbi Shmuel Gorr z"l. Yissachar Ber - It is based on the Midrashic explanation of Genesis 49-14-16 where Yaakov's blessings to his sons are recorded. In the blessing and personality description of Yissachar, he is recorded as "having to "bear a load." It is from the root, "to bear" in German that this Ber in Yiddish derives. It has no connection (other than phonetic) with Dov meaning an animal) "

Those that are careful with the spelling of names spell Dov - Daled Bais - without the Vav

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