Saturday, July 8, 2017

tanach - What is the order of Tanakh in a scroll?

Although the question of what is the order of Tanakh has been asked already, my question is slightly different.

On a Sefer Torah HaGadol is written the whole of Tanakh and is kosher to be read from for weekly Torah reading, Megillos, etc. My question is, "What is the order of books of Tanakh to be written in such a scroll in order to make it kosher for use?"


Rambam, Laws of Mezuzah, Tefilin, and Sefer Torah, 7:16.

ז,טו מותר לדבק תורה נביאים וכתובים בכרך אחד, ומניח בין כל חומש וחומש ארבע שיטין, ובין כל נביא ונביא שלוש שיטין, ובין כל נביא ונביא משנים עשר שלוש שיטין--שאם בא לחתוך, חותך. וסידורן של נביאים, כך הוא--יהושוע, ושופטים, שמואל, ומלכים, ירמיה, ויחזקאל, ישעיה, ותרי עשר; וסדר הכתובים--רות, ותילים, ואיוב, ומשלי, וקוהלת, ושיר השירים, וקינות, ודנייאל, ומגילת אסתר, ועזרא, ודברי הימים.

It is permissible to attach the Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim in one volume: one leaves four [blank] lines between each book of the Torah; three [blank lines] between each book of the Neviim; and also three lines between each of the Twelve Prophets -- so that if one wanted, he could cut them apart. And the order of Neviim is as follows: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, the Twelve. And the order of the Ketuvim: Ruth, Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Daniel, Esther, Ezra, and Chronicles.

As has been observed, this is different than the order found in the printed Tanakhs to which we are accustomed.

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