Sunday, July 16, 2017

minhag - tying tzitzis together on Simchas Tora

When I was a child in the 1980s, something the boys in my synagogue did on Simchas Tora was tie one person's talis to another, or sometimes to furniture. (Now that I'm older and in a different synagogue, I don't see this done. Perhaps children don't do it any longer. Or perhaps it's just as prevalent today as ever, and I'm merely in the wrong (or right) synagogues.)

Two (similar) questions:

  • Anyone have an idea how old this "custom" is?

  • And is there any reason mentioned for this in s'farim (as there are for some other kids' customs, say on Purim), or is it simply as it seems: an annoying, silly practical joke?

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