Wednesday, February 15, 2017

kashrut kosher - Do I have to check my fruits and vegetables [for insects] before I put them in a smoothie?

I use both frozen and fresh fruits and vegetables in my smoothies, and mostly organic. Does the type of fruit or vegetable matter? For example, produce that generally has more insects, such as raspberries or strawberries? I use kale, spinach, raspberries, strawberries, and more.


You should CYLOR for a final ruling, but it seems (Shach and Taz to YD 84:13, Chochmat Adam 52:9, see also Rama OC 553:3 (however see Shu"t R Akiva Eiger 76)) there should be no problem blending the fruit as the intention is to prepare the food not to nullify the insects. Once the insects are cut up, they are nullified in the mixture (YD 101:6).

Additionally, if it is not a majority of that kind of fruit that is infested with bugs, but rather just a significant minority (miut hamatzui) have bugs, then it is possible that there is no problem nullifying it as it is only a doubtful prohibition (Terumat HaDeshen 171, Shach YD 92 sk 8).

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