Thursday, November 8, 2018

history - What was the earliest use of the Rambam's language in Shmita V'Yovel in support of kollel study?

Here's the Rambam, waxing poetic at the end of Laws of Shmita and Yovel (and his entire volume of Zeraim):

ולא שבט לוי בלבד, אלא כל איש ואיש מכל באי העולם אשר נדבה רוחו אותו והבינו מדעו להיבדל לעמוד לפני ה' לשרתו ולעובדו לדעה את ה', והלך ישר כמו שעשהו האלוהים, ופרק מעל צווארו עול החשבונות הרבים אשר ביקשו בני האדם--הרי זה נתקדש קודש קודשים, ויהיה ה' חלקו ונחלתו לעולם ולעולמי עולמים; ויזכה לו בעולם הזה דבר המספיק לו, כמו שזיכה לכוהנים וללויים. הרי דויד אומר "ה', מנת חלקי וכוסי--אתה, תומיך גורלי"

Not only the Tribe of Levi, but each and every man from all those who traverse the earth, should their spirit move them and their intellect guide them to stand apart, to stand before G-d, to serve Him and know Him, and act appropriately as G-d intended, and he removes from his neck the yoke of all the troubles the masses seek -- such a person is sanctified holy of holies, and G-d shall be his portion and inheritance forever and ever; and he shall merit in this world enough to sustain himself, just as was provided for the Priests and Levites. As David said, 'G-d, You are my portion of inheritance and my goblet, my supporter and my lot.' "

Today you'll often hear this quoted in support of large-scale kollel funding, though others question if that's what Rambam meant.

Does anyone know who first cited this Rambam in support of kollel?


Rav Yosef Yozel Horwitz the Alter of Novahrdok (1847–1919) already cites it in his talks compiled in the Sefer Madreigas Ha'adam in Darkei Habitachon (chapter 13 s.v Vezeh Lashon Harambam)

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