Monday, November 5, 2018

halacha - Would there be any maaser derabbanan on hydroponically grown plants?

Related: What bracha should be made on hydroponics/aeroponics?

This question was originally mentioned by Rabbi Eliyahu Fink in his Daf Yomi shiur (Shabbat 128).

He was talking about tevel d'rabanan -- food that requires tithing, but only rabbinically.

It's a pot that's just self-sustaining. It could be suspended. Hydroponically, even. Maybe, i don't know, it's a little different. It's liquid, not dirt. Who knows. (approximately 47 seconds into the video)

So, indeed, who knows? Or in Hebrew, mi yodeya? ;)

Would hydroponically grown plants require trumah and maaser derabbanan?

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