Monday, July 9, 2018

jewish books - Who is the author of the Pirush on the first four chapters of Rambam's Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah?

The first four chapters of Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah have a lengthy commentary that is titled simply "פירוש". In standard editions of the Rambam, it wraps around the text, facing the "כסף משנה" (see here on the bottom right). It would appear that the work is of unknown authorship. The title page of the Shabsi Frankel edition simply describes it as "פירוש על ארבעה פרקים הראשונים של הלכות יסודי התורה".

My question is if anyone knows if there is any information on who the author of this work is? Has anyone attempted to identify the author? Have any theories been advanced?


In Yeshurin 21 Page 65 Rabbi Ezra Shaivet says that there are those who attribute it to רבי עובדיה בן דוד, however it is still unclear whether this is accurate. He does not indicate who it is that attributes this to the רבי עובדיה בן דוד.

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