Monday, July 9, 2018

image processing - Nonuniform Background Subtraction

I have multiple images like that shown below in which there are essentially two different brightness levels. I've looked into histogram equalization techniques in scikit-image as well as several background subtraction techniques in ImageJ, neither of which seem to be effective over the parameter ranges I've tested. I've thought of using edge detection to process the two regions separately, but my concern is that it will result in unnatural edge effects at the boundaries. There's also a lot of features in the image, making the simple edge detection techniques I've tried so far not work so well.

enter image description here

Are there better techniques for doing this sort of processing? I'm working in python with scikit-image, but would welcome any solution.

If it's not clear what kind of result I'm looking for, consider the below image that has an evenly balanced background.

enter image description here

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