Friday, July 6, 2018

halacha - Can I omit ברוך השם לעולם אמן ואמן to catch up in Maariv?

If the Shaliach Tzibbur for maariv (outside of Israel) goes too quickly for me to start the Amidah with him, is there a source which would allow me to omit the section ברוך השם לעולם אמן ואמן? This assumes that I could not have started maariv before the shaliach tzibbur and catch up that way.


I was advised many years ago by one of my Rabbeim to skip it if, as is usually my situation, I would be unable to finish in time to start Shemoneh 'Esreh with the Tzibbur. I was also advised (when I asked someone else several months later) that it is not possible to make it up afterwards - in case you were wondering. I believe the reason for the latter point is that it is a Berachah HaSemuchah LeḤavertah. The original point, I believe, is as Ariel K stated, that it interrupts Semichath Geulah LiThfillah and is not recited at all in many congregations for that reason.

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