Wednesday, August 23, 2017

tefilla - Asking non-Jews to pray for someone

Is it appropriate to ask non-Jews to pray on behalf of someone in dire straits (sick, wrongfully imprisoned, trapped, etc.)?

Edit: If it's appropriate, would it be inappropriate if the person being asked is Christian?

What if the person is non-specifically spiritual and open to praying to HaShem if you ask them to?


A possible answer to part B of your question: The first mishnah in Avodoh Zoroh says “For three days before the idolatrous festivals of the idolaters it is prohibited to have business dealings with them.” The reason, says Bartenuro, is in case they go to their Avodoh Zoroh on the festival and give thanks for the good deal. It seems therefore that we must not cause the non-Jew to give thanks (and by extension, pray) to his Avodoh Zoroh.

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