Monday, August 21, 2017

hashkafah philosophy - What distinguishes humans from animals?

Both Humans and animals seem to have:

  • Flesh: (Bereshit 6:13) The ketz (end) of kol basar is come before Me.

  • Nefesh Chaya: (Bereshit 1:30) wherein is a Nefesh Chaya

  • Ruach Chayim: (Bereshit 6:17 & 7:15) destroy kol basar, wherein is the ruach chayim... (Bereshit 7:22) All in whose nostrils was the ruach chayim.

It seems that only the Neshamah the Nishmat Chayim that was blown in the human body (Bereshit 2:7). It seems that this part is the Nefesh Elokit (G-dly soul), while the parts that seem the same as animals is the Nefesh Behamit (animal soul). But i read there's also the Nefesh Hasichlit (intelectual) that connect the both or exist in between the other two.

I find it all very confusing: what is it really that distinguishes humans from animals? Is it our consiousness?, Our intellectual ability?, our spiritual mindset? meta-cognition?

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