Tuesday, August 29, 2017

chasidut hasidism - Who are the chassidei klali?

I've heard of these people who wear chasidic garments, pray nusach sfard, and learn chassidus but don't follow one chassidus exclusively or have one rebbe they follow. Does this fit in with a normal chasidic system? Is this a new thing? I just want clarification because I am a chussid, have a rebbe and I follow one chassidus or I learn from other chassidusen (whatever my rebbe thinks is appropriate for me).

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periodic trends - Comparing radii in lithium, beryllium, magnesium, aluminium and sodium ions

Apparently the of last four, $\ce{Mg^2+}$ is closest in radius to $\ce{Li+}$. Is this true, and if so, why would a whole larger shell ($\ce{...