Wednesday, August 1, 2018

halacha - Is a speeding driver who causes damage exempt from paying due to his status as a Roidef?

On this forum they ask a very interesting question. What happens when a person who is driving a car is speeding, at a pace where a fatal accident could easily occur. He then crashes into another vehicle, but thankfully all the occupants are ok. The car however is irreparable. Does the speeding driver have to pay.

The reason he could be exempt from paying is because perhaps he is considered a Roidef [pursuer] whilst driving because at any moment he could have killed someone. If he is considered a Roidef, then the law of Kim Lei Bedraboh Minei would apply and he would be exempt from paying.

The reason he would have to pay could be for one of the following two reasons. Either it is not relevant here because he had no intent to kill, or perhaps the percentage of speeding drivers killing people is not high enough to be considered a Roidef.

What is the Halacha?

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