Wednesday, August 22, 2018

halacha - For a man, does any four-cornered garment require tzitzit?

As far as hilchot tzitzit are concerned, are there many instances where a Jewish man would be required to affix tzitzit to a garment other than a tallit katan or gadol? A few "for-instances" would include a scarf, (for one who would wear one) a four-cornered head wrap to serve as a head-covering, etc. Also, I remembered reading something like this in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, but at what point does a blanket become a garment? If one were to wrap himself in a blanket and walk around the house (to keep warm, for instance), would the blanket at some point require tzitzit?

In the normal course of events, one hardly ever sees a garment which isn't a tallit affixed with tzitzit, so I'm wondering how far the obligation extends.

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