Thursday, August 23, 2018

Why is there so much focus on Women's Modesty among Orthodox Jews?

Based on the amount of attention given to women's modesty, one could argue that being modest is their primary role in Judaism. (I think I've even seen that said explicitly.) Women are obligated in many other mitzvot (and it's unclear if modesty is even an actual mitzva), yet this is the one that gets focused on.

For example, there are dozens of books addressing women's modesty, yet I have never seen a single one dedicated to men. On this site alone there are nearly a dozen questions about women's modesty: What clothes women should wear, how women should act, etc, and only a couple of questions regarding men's modesty.

  • Why is there so much focus on Women's Modesty among Orthodox Jews?

Follow-up: What are the Halachot of Tznius as they relate to men?

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