Saturday, September 15, 2018

halacha - Halachic Considerations for Women in the IDF

For a religious girl going into the IDF very soon, there are a few questions that are often asked:

  1. Especially in active units, wearing a skirt while on base can be a problem:

    • While crawling, climbing, running, steking, doing press ups, skirts will get ripped more often than pants (also note you only get 3 skirts / pants);

    • A girl wearing skirts in the army will stick out;

    • Someone can see all the way up when you move ( if you can move ).

    Is a girl allowed to wear pants in the army? What are the issues around this?

  2. While all the food in the army is kosher, it is not of hecsherim religious Jews approve of. Which foods is there definitely not a problem with?

  3. Shabbat in the army: what are the halachot for this? I'm not in a regular base, what special halachot should I know about?

Additionally, if I have more questions where can get I more info?

Also what else have I not thought about, but should know?

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