Tuesday, September 25, 2018

halacha - Have poskim written about partnership minyanim?

Are there any contemporary responsa regarding partnership minyanim, such as Shira Hadasha and Darkei Noam?

Various rabbis have written against it (e.g., R. Student, R. Rothstein, R. Firmer) and it seems even fewer have written supporting it (e.g., R. Sperber). Some of these opinions have been discussed previously on this site.

However, I have not heard of responsa/declarations/essays by poskim on the subject. The only posek that I'm aware of who has written (against) such a congregation, is R. Yehudah Henkin. If others exist, who wrote them, what is the halacha that they write, and what it is their explanation for it?

For clarity's sake, I'll refer to Shalom's answer on the definition of a posek. Basically, I'm asking about recognized halachic authorities, who probably have yadin yadin, and have written practical responsa for today's times.

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