Wednesday, September 6, 2017

minhag - Retzuot in front: Halakha? Source?

It appears to be the universal practice that the straps of the Tefillin Shel Rosh hang down in front of the wearer. If it doesn't have a source de-Rabbanan, it must be one of those unwritten minhagim that is so universal it is de facto the halakha. Like wearing a kippah not only during brachot.

But maybe it has a written source? Is this Gemara or Rishonim?

I suppose the practical aspect of it is that if the majority of your retzuot have to be visible at all times, it helps 'keep you responsible' to the halakha of them entirely black (I remember reading somewhere though that in times of Amoraim they did not have to be black).

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