Thursday, September 21, 2017

halacha - Who is a bad wife? (that you are obligated to divorce?)

Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 119.4 said that there's is a Mitzva to divorce one's bad wife.

אִשָּׁה רָעָה (ה) בְּדֵעוֹתֶיהָ, וְשֶׁאֵינָהּ צְנוּעָה כִּבְנוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַכְּשֵׁרוֹת, מִצְוָה לְגָרְשָׁהּ:‏
A wife who has a bad temper (Baer Heytev (paraphrasing Yevamot 63b: One who prepares for him the tray and turns her back upon him.) and which is not modest as Yisrael girls, and who is quarrelsome, it is a mitsva to divorce even if she is the first wife

What is considered a bad wife?
Bais Shmuel there said:

היינו מקשטא ליה תכא ומהדרא ליה גבה שהיא בעלת מריבה מצוה לגרשה...‏
Which I do not know what does it mean?

What I found is

Yevamos 63b:   "One who prepares for him (Her husband) the tray and turns her back upon him (Euphemism)."

But I do not understand it. How is the "Euphemism" understood?


See Yebamot 63b, see Mishna Ketubot 7, 6

תכא is table, it is a modest (tsniut) figurative image related to conjugal life.
See Nedarim 20b for the use of the word "table" (A woman once came before Rabbi and said, 'Rabbi! I set a table before my husband,)
See Rabi Yehuda Bar Natan

  1. ‎ מקשטא ליה פומא‏ ‎=‏ wait until a meal to offend ‎

  2. מהדרא ליה גבא= turn her back to not eat together (Kepshuto, not euphemism)

  3. בעלת מריבה= is arguing always, loves to arguing

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