Thursday, September 28, 2017

parshanut torah comment - Was Rachav A Harlot (Prostitute)?

It specifically says several times in Yehoshua chapter 2 and chapter 6 that Rachav was a Harlot " וְאֶת רָחָב הַזּוֹנָה". Why is it that it is accepted that she wasn't a harlot but an innkeeper and someone who sold mezonot (wheat). Some opinions that I read say because she made herself available to everyone as she sold many provisions and because she was an innkeeper (" הַזּוֹנָה").

I just want to know why we cannot take this literally? It says it quite a few times. Why couldn't the Torah just say that she was a provisioner or an innkeeper?

And I know not everything is made to be taken literally in the Torah, like 'an eye for an eye'.

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