Thursday, May 4, 2017

passover seder hagada - Responses to the Chacham and Tam

In the Haggadah, the response to the Chacham is teaching him the halachos of Pesach, whereas the response to the Tam is that Hashem took us out of Mitzraim with a strong arm.

Yet, in the Yerushalmi, the answers are swapped. The Chacham is told that Hashem took us out of Mitzraim with a strong arm, while the Tam (there the Tipeish) is told the halachos of Pesach. Why the difference?


Menachem Ben Yashar provides a fascinating answer here, very summarized as follows:

The Yerushalmi's version was written during the time of the Beis Hamikdash, and thus, there was a real Halachic concern that the Ben Tipesh would not only not learn anything, but break the Halachos of Pesach. For that reason, we teach him a practical Halacha, with a clear explanation:

שאין מפטירין אחר הפסח אפיקומן, שלא יהא עומד מחבורה זו ונכנס לחבורה אחרת.

However, the other version (also found in the Mechilta), was written after the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, when the main Mitzvah is to learn about it. So the Chacham now learns the technical theoretical part of the Mitzvah, while we explain things clearly to the Tam.

However, there is a lot more depth to it, so please read it inside if you can.

שפתיים ישק וראוי לאמרו!

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