Friday, September 7, 2018

sources mekorot - Earliest reference to women making the bracha of Shechayanu by candle lighting on yom tov

There is a minhag that I think is prevalent in most of klal yisrael that when a woman lights candles in honor of yom tov she at that point recites the bracha of shechayanu (rather than being "yotzee" with the bracha that her husband will make by kiddush.)

When did this Minhag begin as it doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere in traditional poskim (Shulchan Aruch, nosei kelim, etc.) The Yavetz in Siman 107 already points out that this is mentioned in the sefer "Kitzur HaShelah" which is says is not a sefer to be relied upon. He doesn't seem to like the minhag however ends off that it's not a bracha l'vatelah and seemingly not so "bad".

In any case, what is the earliest source for the minhag? Is there anything "earlier" than what the Yavetz writes and brings from the sefer Kitzur HaShelah. How did the minhag come about?

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