Monday, September 17, 2018

halacha - Can you have chometz in your birdfeeder during Pesach?

I know that we are not allowed to derive benefit from chometz during Pesach, and that this prohibition extends to feeding our pets food containing chometz. (Source: Would having chometz in an outdoor birdfeeder on our property count as a violation, given that the animals are not our pets, that the "feeding" is completely passive, and that there may be an ethical mandate to continue feeding birds one has already fed for a long time? (The last point insofar as we are not necessarily feeding them to derive benefit for ourselves.)

Tangentially related: Badikas Chamatz in courtyards of cities today


No, it is not permissible to keep chometz in your bird feeder during Pesach. See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, 112:1-2.

From the perspective of 'benefit', there is gratification resulting from the birds coming to eat at your feeder. That can be related to appreciating their songs, or their beauty or the feeling of being kind to the animals.

Whether you put out seed or not, they will be provided for by the Creator of us all.

It could be thought that the bird food might fall under the sale of chometz, but anything under the sale must be reasonably secured from loss. Placing it in the feeder presumes it will be consumed and diminished.

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