Sunday, October 1, 2017

meaning - What does とでも mean?

[name]とでも呼んでくれたら嬉しい What does とでも means here? I know what means と and でも separately but why it is used here together?


The key word here is 「[呼]{よ}ぶ」 = "to call (someone) by (a certain name)"

「[Name] + と + 呼ぶ」 = "to call (someone [name]) " 「と」 here is a quotative particle.

「[Name] + と + でも + 呼ぶ」 = "to call (someone [Name] or something)"

「でも」 means "~~ or something" here.

「[name]とでも呼んでくれたら[嬉]{うれ}しい」 = "I would be happy if you called me [name] or something."

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