Friday, October 20, 2017

tefilla - Shortened Birkat Hamazon

I see mentions of a short version of Birkat Hamazon ("Birkat Hamazon Hakatzar"). R Yitzchak Abadi wrote one "based on the Rambam and other Rishonim", R Yosef Eliyahu Henkin is mentioned here as having one as well and there might be others.

I knew of an abbreviated Shmonei Esrei but not of an abbreviated Birkat Hamazon and would like to learn more:

  • Did a common nusach emerge?

  • What have been views of other poskim regarding these proposals?

  • Are there communities where it is mainstream to recite these abbreviated birkat hamazon lechathila?

PS. This reminds me of a story I heard, maybe in the name of R Kotler, saying: "I don't understand why people say they don't have time for breakfast: 5 minutes to eat, 15 minutes for birkat hamazon and that's it!"

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