Wednesday, October 25, 2017

shabbat - Difference between Pesik Reshe Delo Niha Le, Pesik Reshe Delo Ichpat Le, & Melacha She'en Sarich LeGufa

What is the practical difference between actions considered Pesik Reshe Delo Niha Le, Pesik Reshe Delo Ichpat Le, and Melecha She'en Sarich Legufa? What is an example that can demonstrate the difference between the three?

(Sources, of course [see the Rashash on Tosafot Ketuvot 6a])


In Hilchos Shabbos 1:7 of the Mishnah Torah, The Kesef Mishna brings HaRav Avraham Hachasid (Rambam's son) and explains psik reisha doesn't need the actual melacha, he brings the case of closing a door on a deer.By melacha shaina tzricha it is the melacha you want but not its purpose, ayin sham.

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