Monday, September 18, 2017

technology - Can meat grown from living cells be kosher? Is it eiver min hachai?

Earlier questions such as In vitro meat — further questions dealt with meat grown from stem cells of slaughtered animals. This question is specifically about meat grown from stem cells taken from live animals. Indian-American Scientist Has Discovered A Way For Us To Eat Meat Without Killing Animals says:

WASHINGTON -- An Indian-American scientist-led team has developed contamination-free meat from animal cells in a laboratory that could be harvested in 9 to 21 days, a new technique that could help in stopping large scale slaughtering of animals globally.

Hoping to go in for large scale commercialisation by selling meat grown from animal cells in the next few years, Uma S Valeti said the popularity of such meats would help stop large scale killing of animals.

This may be considered eiver min hachai as well as the other considerations that may arise to make it non-kosher. Does anyone have sources that might shed light on what this would do halachically?

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