Saturday, September 9, 2017

Source for Rebbe Shimon leaving the Mareh on Lag B'Omer

The Aruch HaShulchan writes in Siman 493 Sif 7 that it is said on this day (Lag B'Omer) is when R' Shimon Bar Yochai was nistalek (passed away) and when he came out of the Mareh (cave.)

While the first point he makes of Lag B'Omer being the day R' Shimon passed away is of much discussion (See a very good article here on the Seforim Blog from R' Eliezer Brodt that goes through the sources in this inyun and comes out that in the earlier sources there was a printing mistake and it seems to be the earliest makor is in the Sefer Chemdas Yamim.) I'm specifically asking in regards to the second point the Aruch HaShulchan makes that it was on this day (Lag B'Omer) that R' Shimon left the mareh. What is the earliest source for this (before the Aruch HaShulchan?)

(In the article from R' Eliezer Brodt he doesn't address this point and when I asked him personally he said he didn't have any sources for this.)

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