Wednesday, September 13, 2017

history - In RAMBAM hilchot avoda zara 9:4 What publisher or translator first changed notzrim to canaanites?

In this censored version online at, Hilchot Avoda Zara 9:4 says:

"The Canaanites are idol worshipers [sic], and Sunday is their festival..."

(And it says Canaanites in both the hebrew and english, so, censored in both)

Whereas in the uncensored version, nicely provided by mechon mamre - index here, it says Notzrim.

And I see in Hilchot Melachim 10:9, the uncensored hebrew version has Goy, and the censored hebrew version has Akum i.e. idolators - (עובדי כוכבים ומזלות, (עכו״ם (though funnily enough the english in the censored edition has gentile).

Who was it that put together the censored version and changed notzrim to canaanites and goy to akum?

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