Friday, September 1, 2017

halacha - Does non mevushal wine make the vessels containing it treif?

As per halacha and many other questions here, non-Jews touching (etc.) non mevushal wine can cause the wine to become non kosher.

Does this have any effect of the vessels holding the wine, kashrut-wise?

For example, say you bring non mevushal wine to the table at a kosher hotel, and then a non Jewish worker touches it. Are you simply prohibited from drinking that wine, or did you cause kashrut problems in the glass, and/or whatever the glass is washed with etc. etc.?

I ask about this kind of wine specifically because I thought it might be different than other non-kosher products, as it seems to me that this is not inherently un-kosher, but rather something that has become unfit for consumption due to external concerns.

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