Sunday, September 17, 2017

halacha - Calling Someone a Rasha

Sometimes people will speak lashon harah about someone saying that it is allowed because he is a "rasha." Then you may hear others saying that today we never really know who is a rasha and we can't make that judgement.

Today, is one allowed to label someone as a rasha and treat him with the halachic ramifications that apply? (for example, speaking lashon harsh about him, hating him etc) If so, who is qualified to make such a decision? What qualifies someone as a rasha and how far does this extend? When do we apply the principle of "tinok shenishbah"? Does Tinok Shenishbu apply to those who raised in some type of religious background, i.e. Reform, Conservative?

Addtionally, how does this fit with the obligation to be "mocheh" (protest) wrong behavior?

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