Monday, October 16, 2017

What is the English translation of the Yiddish word באווארן?

I'm trying to figure out a good way to say the Yiddish word באווארן in English. We used this a lot in Yeshiva, usually in the context of "to באווארן a question".

To explain:

A statement would be structured in such a way that it answers and negates a question before it is asked.

@IsaacMoses described it thusly below: A statement that includes information that undermines a challenge you might otherwise pose to that statement.

An example:

I could say that rice takes 20 minutes to cook. You would then ask, "what about brown rice, it takes 40 minutes?" I would then answer I meant white rice.

Or I could say that white rice takes 20 minutes to cook. By adding the word "white" to the statement, I made it clear that I wasn't referring to brown rice, and thus your question about brown rice was answered and negated before you asked it. By phrasing the statement that way, I באווארנט your question about brown rice.

Google Translate offers "guard", "watch", or "guarding", but none of that sounds right in this context.

The closest I've thought of is "anticipate", as in "The statement was structured in such a way to anticipate your question".

Other possibilities that come to mind are "obviate", "preempt", "negate", "address", "precede", but none of those sound right.

There must be an english word for this.


I like "preemptively address".

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