Tuesday, October 17, 2017

purim torah in jest - PTIJ: Why does G-d give us honey cake?

Before returning the Torah to the ark, we say a verse from Mishlei 4:2.

כִּ֤י לֶ֣קַח ט֭וֹב נָתַ֣תִּי לָכֶ֑ם...

For I have given you a good lekach. (Lekach is essentially, honey cake, commonly eaten by Ashkenazim on Rosh Hashannah.)

Why did G-d give us lekach? Why do we mention lekach before returning the Torah to the ark?


In Birkat HaShachar we say וְהַעֲרֶב נָא יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ אֶת דִּבְרֵי תוֹרָתְךָ בְּפִינוּ -- make the words of Your torah sweet to us. And lo! When we reach this part of the torah service, where we have taken it out, read from it, savored it, and begun to return it, we can now declare that the torah Hashem gave us is in fact sweet. The Holy One blessed be He hears prayer and answers, just like we said in shomea t'filah! Before we have even completed the morning service we have proof positive of the efficacy of prayer!

The least we can do, therefore, is to serve lekach at the kiddush, as a reflection and reminder of the answer to our prayers.

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